Global Spotlight Report says SDG2 is only achievable if present food systems change towards agroecological diversification and food sovereignty.

New York, 12 July 2017: SDG2 ‘end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, articulates one of the highest aspirations of the 2030 Agenda. Failure to advance it will significantly affect the entire agenda, claims the Spotlight report, a comprehensive independent assessment released in New York on the opening day of the High Level Political Forum 2017.

New independent Spotlight report points out that women´s lower wages and poorer labor conditions have resulted in unfair advantages for corporations

New York, 12 July 2017: Corporate power threatens women´s human rights by promoting a race to the bottom in labour standards and avoiding taxes in the countries where profits are obtained, concludes the report Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017, in its analysis of the fifth Sustainable Development Goal which promises to achieve gender equality by 2030 and empower all women and girls.

Global Spotlight Report says that the Agenda 2030 proposal to eradicate poverty by 2030 is achievable but tax policies need to change.

New York, 11 July 2017: “The promise made by governments to eradicate poverty by 2030 is doable if countries cooperate to fight tax evasion and capital flights” argues an independent report submitted to the High Level Political Forum of the United Nations as an input to its debate today around the first of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Global Spotlight Report says that the proposed “cascade” of private financing for infrastructure will result on more corruption, high fees for essential services, and massive resource transfers to the rich from the poor

New York, 11 July 2017: The “leave no one behind” slogan and the proposition to increase funding “from billions to trillions” made by the development banks and the International Monetary Fund are the two policy messages most commonly heard at the debate around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that started yesterday at the United Nations. “You cannot have both at the same time” commented Roberto Bissio, coordinator of Social Watch, summarizing the analysis of the first SDG by the global [...]

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017

New York, 10 July 2017: A global coalition of civil society organizations and trade unions presents today the report Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017. It is published on the opening day of the High Level Political Forum at the United Nations in New York. The report provides the most comprehensive independent assessment of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 2017

Privatization, partnerships, corporate capture and their impact on sustainability and inequality - assessments and alternatives In the 2030 Agenda governments committed to a revitalized Global Partnership between States and declared that public finance has to play a vital role in achieving the SDGs. But in recent decades, the combination of neoliberal ideology, corporate lobbying, business-friendly fiscal policies, tax avoidance and tax evasion has led to a massive weakening of the public sector and its ability to provide essential goods and [...]

Das Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung veröffentlicht Rundbrief II/2017

Mitten im Wahlkampf veröffentlicht das Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung seinen Rundbrief II/2017. Im Fokus stehen dabei Fragen wie in Zukunft technologischer Wandel, Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Energiewende unsere Arbeitswelt verändern werden. Damit verknüpft das Thema Arbeitsplätze also unausweichlich soziale, ökologische und wirtschaftliche Belange und berührt dabei immer auch die Frage nach Gerechtigkeit – nicht nur lokal, sondern auch global. Der Rundbrief möchte dazu einige Denkanstöße und Lösungsansätze geben.

Paritätisches Jahresgutachten 2017 veröffentlicht

Eine Bilanz von vier Jahren Schwarz-Rot

LobbyControl veröffentlicht seinen Lobbyreport 2017 und zieht eine Bilanz der schwarz-roten Regierung. Der Report kommt zu dem ernüchternden Ergebnis, dass die große Koalition in den letzten Jahren viele wichtige Reformen im Bereich Lobbyismus und Einflussnahme verschleppt hat.

Das Kabinett hat am 21. Juni die Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung zum Zweiten Gleichstellungsbericht der Bundesregierung beschlossen. Der Zweite Gleichstellungsbericht besteht aus dem Gutachten der Sachverständigenkommission, der Stellungnahme der Bundesregierung und einer Bilanz des Ersten Gleichstellungsberichts.

UN report paints a highly partial picture of SDG implementation

By Kate Donald, Director of CESR's Rights in Sustainable Development program

Last week, the UN published the 2017 ‘SDG Progress Report’, intended to provide a global overview of the current situation of the 2030 Agenda in advance of the High-Level Political Forum (where States will gather in New York to report on their SDG implementation). The report presents stark evidence – not of SDG progress, sadly, but of the glaring gaps and flaws in the way such progress is [...]

Der Parlamentarische Beirat für nachhaltige Entwicklung nimmt Stellung zur Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie 2016 und erörtert unter anderem Aspekte der strukturellen Neuigkeiten und die Umsetzung der SDGs in Deutschland.
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