März 2016

Von Marianne Beisheim

Beim Nachhaltigkeitsgipfel der Vereinten Nationen (VN) im September 2015 haben die Staats- und Regierungschefs und -chefinnen aller Mitgliedstaaten die 2030-Agenda für nachhaltige Entwicklung verabschiedet. Auch die Bundesregierung hat zugesichert, die Umsetzung rasch angehen zu wollen, sowohl in Deutschland als auch weltweit mit Partnern und deutscher Unterstützung. Kanzlerin Merkel kündigte an, ehrgeizige Umsetzungsanstrengungen bereits im Juli in New York vorstellen zu wollen. Welche Impulse wären hierbei wichtig, um eine ambitionierte Umsetzung der Agenda so gut wie möglich voranzubringen?

By Barbara Adams and Karen Judd

On 11 March 2016 the UN Statistical Commission agreed “as a practical starting point” with the proposed global indicator framework by which to measure progress towards the 17 goals and 169 targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It recognized that the development of a robust and high quality indicator framework is a process that will need to continue over time and authorized the Interagency and Expert Group for Sustainable Development [...]

Die Diskussion um die Instrumente zur Messung der Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (SDG), einem der Kernelemente der Agenda 2030, hat an Fahrt aufgenommen. Die Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen (UN) hat am 19. Februar 2016 ihre Vorschläge für diese globalen Indikatoren vorgelegt. In den seit Anfang 2015 laufenden Beratungen der Expertengruppe hat sich gezeigt, dass es nicht möglich war, den hoch politischen Prozess der Auswahl und Ausgestaltung der Indikatoren durch die Überweisung an ein [...]

by Marianne Beisheim and Nils Simon

This independent research paper was prepared for the 2016 ECOSOC Partnership Forum, commissioned by the UNDESA Office for ECOSOC Support and Coordination. A draft version was discussed during an Expert Group Meeting in February 2016.

The recent General Assembly resolution under the agenda item entitled “Towards global partnerships” requests the ECOSOC “to hold during its partnership forum to be held in 2016 a discussion on the best practices and ways to improve, inter alia [...]

During the United Nations observance of International Women’s Day 2016, Barbara Adams from Global Policy Forum and Social Watch addresses the obstacles to Women’s Rights: the unfair global trade and investment system and the lack of a debt workout mechanism deviate the resources that should ensure an universal social protection floor.

Obstacles to Women's Rights and to the SDGs. Barbara Adams at the UN. March 8, 2016 from Social Watch on Vimeo.

By Karen Judd and Sarah Dayringer

Throughout the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is the commitment to the integrated nature of sustainable development. The challenge of how to capture this has shown some interesting dynamics, most recently in regard to the global indicators. Statisticians have sought to integrate their work across indicators on decent work and social protection, which can be found in SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, and 16. Similarly indicators on gender equality go across [...]

By Sarah Dayringer

The UN Statistical Commission (UNSC) is comprised of Chief Statisticians from National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and has a working method of decision by majority vote, rather than by consensus. “Data needs are vast and the Data Revolution is reshaping the landscape quickly,” John Pullinger, former chair of the UNSC said in his opening remarks of the 47th session of the Commission.

Discontent among many UNSC Member States with the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals [...]